Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

National Assembly of Women

Japanese Embassy

Tokyo to the Foreign Office

Washington to the Foreign Office

Liberal Party Organisation

The Committee of Seven

Further Protests

Indian Government

Mie Prefecture Peace Committee

Honolulu Consul

Tokyo to the Foreign Office

Pay Compensation to fisherman who cannot fish.

No-one in danger!

No permanent inhabitants on Christmas Island! Only the Gilbertese, more lies!

Agitation against Soviet Tests?

Demonstrations against the tests are people following the communist line.

These documents show how many people were against Nuclear Testing and the damage it would do to the participants, the environment and the global worldwide community, yet the British Government described them as:
"Mothers think of sons threatened with a painful death
if nuclear warfare is unleashed and a protests against nuclear war
in general. The large majority of people who are
influence by this kind of appeal are quite unconscious of the fact
that they are following the communist line.
They are sincere advocates of peace. They are earnest seekers
after conditions that will ensure that they and
those they love may live their lives undisturbed by
the constant threat of horrible destruction.
Yet their demonstrations and pressure of free world
Governments do serve communist ends in that they
create dimension and obscure the facts."