As 2024 draws to a close, we move into 2025 with optimism and hope for the British Nuclear Test Veterans and their families.

2024 was a very busy year, the welfare and wellbeing of our community is always at the forefront of everything we do.
We achieved a lot for the veterans, the ATR medal ceremony was a very special occasion.
The year ended with Christmas in Carmarthen which was a fantastic event.
2025 already has a number of events booked:
2025 All-Tests Reunion - this will take place between the 15th and 19th of September 2025 at Pontins Sand Bay. Thanks to the viewers of GB News, standard accommodation is free again this year and into 2026. We currently have 102 people booked for the event. You can find out more by visiting

Remembrance Parade - we will again ask for tickets for the London event to continue to show the world that the Nuclear Veterans are still fighting for truth and justice.

NAAV Conference - the National Association of Atomic Veterans conference will be held in the summer and LABRATS will hope to attend as in previous years.
We have some special events for 2025:
We are also pleased to announce that 2 Directors will be attending the United Nations in New York for the 3rd meeting of State Parties for the TPNW at the beginning of March. This is an amazing opportunity to show the world that our community is thriving and to connect with other campaigners who share our common bond. So many communities have been affected by the testing program and by working together we can help each other. The visit has been paid for by a partial ICAN grant, of which we are very grateful.
The Oral History Project (of which LABRATS are part of the Advisory board) will launch with an event in London. (Dates to be arranged)
Our goal in 2025 is for education to be at the forefront of our work. Education of the testing program and it's effects. Our new Educational book will be released and we are hopeful that the Office for Veterans Affairs will finally release our video. (This has been ongoing for almost a year)
We have lost some great people in 2024, too many funerals have been attended, too many veterans are ill and many can no longer travel, so we need to bring the community to them as much as possible.
The next edition of ATOM is due at the end of January and due to the incredible generosity of the Veterans Foundation, it is still free until April 2026. Any British Nuclear Test Veteran or family member can join for free at
Over 5000 medals have now been despatched to veterans and their families across the world. (5061 as at 29th of November 2024) This is a great figure, but we need more awareness for the families who can claim, who know nothing about the medal and the eligibility.
We will continue to work with McCue Jury & Partners regarding the litigation and provide updates as and when they are released. The litigation does need further funding and a new fundraising push will be undertaken in 2025. You can donate here:
The BBC and Channel 4 documentaries shone a light onto our cause, the BBC documentary has now been watched by over 1 million people, an incredible figure. We are working with other documentary filmmakers who will be hopefully releasing their work in 2025, with one nearing completion to be released globally. We would like to thank all of the filmmakers who worked on projects to raise awareness of the testing program.
We now have a great working relationship with the Office for Veterans Affairs (OVA), we have regular meetings with them and continue to receive updates and are working closer than ever under this new Labour government. The new Veterans Minister has promised us another meeting in the first quarter of 2025 and we will attend in person to ensure that the community is never forgotten.
A lot has changed in 2024, the new BNTVA Museum was announced which will ensure that the legacy and history of the tests is never forgotten. We will help as much as we can to ensure that the history of the tests is available to all.
2024 was not easy, it was very stressful at times, frustrating at times and we lost too many veterans and community members. We will continue into 2025 with new initiatives which will be announced in the ATOM Magazine in January and with our relationship with the OVA, we are hopeful that we can move forward and work with the UK Government rather than fighting them.
We don't have a crystal ball, we don't know what 2025 will bring, we hope it brings the long awaited apology and that the UK Government finally admits to it's failings. One thing we do know is that we will be here to support you if you need us, we will try our best and will continue as long as our health allows us to.
Happy New Year to you all.