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Campaigning Continues

We continue to campaign on behalf of the Nuclear Community, on Wednesday 14th June 2023, two members of our campaign group were extremely busy. The Medal award was just the beginning of our continued campaign for recognition, education and support.

Johnny Mercer MP - Veterans Minister

On a very hot day in London, Alan met with Johnny Mercer MP and Jessie Owen, Director of the Office for Veterans' Affairs to discuss the medal award, a pathway for help for nuclear veterans and the nuked blood investigation.

The meeting was productive and we can confirm that the medal design has not yet been finalised, the design has yet to be signed off by King Charles III.

The Office for Veterans' Affairs is working extremely hard with us to ensure that an event is held to award the medals in person and that the medals will be worn by the participants at the Cenotaph.

Alan explained that the MoD medals office was promising late summer for the award of the medals and this is still the goal, the medal will definitely be awarded, we just need to be patient and wait for updates.

We discussed possible pathways for compensation and how we can increase the help needed for the community.

We also discussed the missing blood tests and we will be providing Johnny with more information over the next few weeks.

Johnny provided an update via his Twitter account on the meeting: [LISTEN HERE]

He also told Alan to tell you all that he would be extremely disappointed if you were not wearing your medals at the Cenotaph Parade in November.

Hillsborough Law Now

Steve Purse spoke at a Hillsborough Law Now event at the Friends Meeting House in Manchester.

Steve spoke about the struggles of the Nuclear Community and the importance of this new legal duty of candour on public authorities and officials to tell the truth and proactively cooperate with official investigations and inquiries, bringing to an end the depressingly familiar pattern of cover ups and concealment.

Whilst these meetings were being undertaken, further discussions with the Labour Party frontbench were being undertaken and how the #Lookmeintheeye campaign can move forward now that the medal has been awarded. We are very thankful for their support.


We understand the frustration of you all, it has been 7 months since the award of the medal, but we are working with the OVA, and ensuring that your voice is heard, Johhny Mercer and many MP's are working with us and we have built a fantastic relationship with them over many years.

Whilst we wait for the news of the medal design and the event, we continue to work extremely hard on all other aspects of the recognition package and will continue to do so until the UK Government formally apologies to you all.

We still have a few remaining places on the Cenotaph March in November, but they are going fast, so if you want to march (we are prioritising Veterans), please contact Eric using with the following information:

A big thank you to all the members for their continued financial support, we could not continue without you. If you are not a member, please click the button below to join to receive our quarterly ATOM magazine. Please remember that we are all volunteers and do not receive any remuneration for our work.

Three members of the LABRATS Team will be visiting the National Association of Atomic Veterans (NAAV) Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee in August 2023, solidifying links across the globe.

Work is being undertaken every day and as always, if you need us, please email or call us. Look out for updates on our Facebook page -

Stay safe in the Heat - LABRATS Directors

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